A Fearless Way to Publish Books Review

A Fearless Way to Publish Books Review

“A Fearless Way to Publish Books” is a self-publishing course designed by Alessandra Torre, an accomplished author with an impressive track record of New York Times bestsellers and successful self-published novels. With her expertise and industry...
5 Healthy Habits of Successful Authors

5 Healthy Habits of Successful Authors

By Sian Toop There is some debate between scientists on how long it really takes to form a new habit, with answers varying between 18 to 254 days. Yet, the new year is a great time to take stock of what we want to achieve, and inevitably, if we set a goal, it means...
Reedsy Review: An Ecosystem for Authors

Reedsy Review: An Ecosystem for Authors

The Reedsy platform offers an exciting ecosystem for authors to help craft beautiful books. There are two main focal points: the first is the editor and the second is the marketplace. Both are offered in a slick user-friendly interface that makes it easy to find...