Social Media for Authors: Choosing “The Right” Platforms

Social Media for Authors: Choosing “The Right” Platforms

Stepping into the world of social media can be daunting for an author, but it doesn’t have to be. If you have a smartphone or access to the internet, there’s a good chance you’re active on at least one platform – and it’s likely the same goes for your reader base. A...
Premium Product Ideas For Authors

Premium Product Ideas For Authors

Whether you write professionally or in your free time, you’ll undoubtedly be aware of the old stereotype of writers being starving artists. While it’s certainly possible to earn a decent sum of money from writing books, and many indie authors achieve 6-7...
7 ways to market and promote your book in 2021

7 ways to market and promote your book in 2021

Taken from our 50 Tips book, here are 7 effective ways to promote your book. 1. Newsletter swaps Firstly this method requires you to either have an email list. You should get started building one if you haven’t already. To organise email swaps, you can go to a...
The Importance of Building an Email List for Authors

The Importance of Building an Email List for Authors

As with pretty much any business, building an email list is probably one of the most important pillars of your author platform. One of the basic mistakes many authors make in their marketing is not creating an email list from the start. Many successful online...