Indie or Traditional Publishing: Which is the right route?

Indie or Traditional Publishing: Which is the right route?

For anyone intent on getting published, the sheer number of solutions available to you today can be highly surprising. However, for the most part, two solutions are commonly looked at. We shall them the ‘Indie’ route and the ‘Traditional’ route. Indie publishing is...
Selling books wide with Draft2Digital

Selling books wide with Draft2Digital

Today we’re focusing on the ebook platform Draft2Digital who offer a selection of services to help with your book publishing. If you’re considering having your books wide instead of just exclusive with Amazon Kindle through KDP select, then...
Creating Box Set Collections for additional revenue

Creating Box Set Collections for additional revenue

To be able to offer a box set hinges on you having an existing series of books, of course. Or you might want to do an anthology of short stories or a multi-author box set. If you’ve got as far as also putting out Audiobooks then collecting those together can...